Acoustic phonetics studies physical properties of speech sounds
as transmitted between mouth and ear.
Physiological aspect of the speech
The organs
that are used for communication are called organs of articulation or articulators. They can be
divided into 4 main groups.
2. Phonatory
organs (vocal cords)
3. Resonating
cavities (oral and nasal cavities)
4. Modulating
organs (lips, teeth, tongue, alveolar ridge, palate)
Respiratory organs
The main source of energy for the
production of speech sounds comes from the lungs.
Depending on the way the air is released from the lungs we can distinguish
between these air stream mechanisms:
Pulmonic = sound which is produced by the energy of the lungs. It can be egressive
(the air is expelled from the lungs, we breathe out) or ingressive (the air is breathed
in inside the lungs)
Phonatory organs
Within larynx there are two thick
flaps of muscles which look rather like a pair of lips, they can be brought
together or parted through muscular tension. These organs are called vocal cords.
The process of passing the air stream through the vocal chords resulting in
audible vibration is called voicing – phonation. The opening between vocal
cords - glottis
- can assume different positions of openness:
Wide apart – glottis is fully open, production
of voiceless consonants
Loosely together – glottis is slightly open, production
of glottal fricatives
Loosely together and vibrating – the air causes vibrations, voiced
Tightly closed – no air comes out or in, production
of glottal stop
Resonants include oral cavity and nasal cavity. The air stream comes from the lungs and passing
through the pharynx can be in one of these three ways:
The soft palate is lowered and the oral cavity is
blocked - the air
escapes through the nasal cavity. This is where we produce nasal sounds m, n.
The soft palate is raised and blocks the nasal cavity - we produce oral sounds g, f, a, b.
Modulating organs
a) Teeth
– produce dental sounds / ð, θ /
b) Alveoral ridge
– alveoral sounds /s, z, t, d, r, l /
c) Hard palate
– we produce palatal sounds / j /
d) Tongue
– lingual sounds
e) Lips
– labial, bilabial or labial-dental sounds / p, b, m /
f) Soft palate
= velum – veral sounds / k, ch, n /
Acoustic aspects of the speech
The air contains of particles which
are in a constant movement, these particles create certain air pressure. When
the vocal cords start vibrating they cause fluctuations of the air pressure, these
fluctuations spread in all directions and become less intensive with bigger distance
from the source. The wave created by
compressing and expanding of the air carrying a sound is called a sound wave –
amplitude. When the air comes out of the oral cavity, the vibrations
we hear are of 2 types:
Regular (periodic) vibration is produced by vocal cords
providing that they are vibrating at the
constant frequency and with constant intensity. Periodic vibration equals
periodic wave. Periodic waves consist of certain wave patterns that
periodically (at equal intervals) repeat themselves. There are two types of
periodic waves:
Simple periodic wave is almost non-existent in domain of naturally
produced sounds. Complex periodic wave is a wave in which simple sine waves
are combined into one single wave, sounds produced by the vocal cords are
usually of this type.
Irregular (aperiodic) vibration do not show a regular periodic
pattern, they are composed of a large number of sine waves of different
frequency and intensity, there is no repetition of any pattern, no regularity.
All voiceless fricatives, voiceless affricates and plosives are aperiodic waves.
Vowels – periodic sounds with regular pattern of vibration
Fricatives – voiceless: aperiodic sounds / voiced : combine aperiodic with periodic
Nasals – periodic
Affricates – voiceless affricates : silenced and
aperiodic / voiced: mixture of periodic
and aperiodic
Approximants – periodic
Plosives – voiceless, aspirated: aperiodic
/ voiced: periodic
Auditory aspects of speech
It focuses on perception of sounds
and the way they are heard and interpreted, deals with the listener who
receives message from the speaker. The majority of processes of auditory
aspects concern the brain in which the sound is decoded. Before the sound is
processed by brain it encounter the ear. The basic function of the ear is a
perception of auditory stimulus and its analysis and transmission further on to
the brain.
Outer ear is represented by the pinna
or auricle (the only visible part)
and outer ear canal. Auricle plays
protective role for the rest of the ear and helps to localize sounds, outer ear
canal functions as protection for middle ear and as resonators for the sounds.
Middle ear is a cavity containing miniature structures
that are important for audition. One of them is the eardrum – a membrane to which sounds are directed causing
vibrations and thus transmitting incoming sounds. Middle ear also contains tiny
bones – mallet, anvil and stirrup –
which move by the vibrations caused by eardrum. In the middle ear there is also
Eustachian tube that is connected
with pharynx to help preserve a required amount of air pressure inside the
middle ear.
Inner ear includes cochlea – a cavity
with liquid, at each ends of cochlea there is an oval window. Inside cochlea there are two membranes – vestibular and basilar which play central role in audition, there is also the
organ of Corti – a real auditory
Sound goes through auricle and outer
ear canal to middle ear where vibrates the eardrum and the small bones – the
movement is then transmitted by oval window to the liquid in cochlea. Liquid
vibrates the membranes inside cochlea and the cells of organ Corti detect the
movements and convert them into neutral signals that are transmitted via nerves
into the brain.
way in which human brain processes auditory information and links it to the
speech is unknown. What is clear is fact that human ear can only hear sounds
having certain amplitudes and frequencies. Lower frequencies are not heard and
higher are giving us a sensation of pain. Brain decodes, classifies, interprets
and arranges the individual sound according to the linguistic patterns already
existing in mind.
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