10 August 2014

Assimilation and connected speech

Assimilation is a common phonological process by which the sound of the ending of one word blends into the sound of the beginning of the following word. This occurs when the parts of the mouth and vocal cords start to form the beginning sounds of the next word before the last sound has been completed. Assimilation means that sounds belonging to one word can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighbouring words. This happens mostly in casual rapid speech and less likely in slow careful speech.
hot potato --> the (t) in 'hot' is dropped as the lips prepare for the (p) sound in potato

Assimilation of place can be seen when a final consonant with alveolar place of articulation is followed by an initial consonant with a place of articulation that is not alveolar. regressive
meat pie = /mi:p pai/   light blue = /laip blu"/
Assimilation of manner is much less noticeable and change is most likely to be towards a consonant that is easier to pronounce.
good night = /gun nait/   get them /gettem/
Assimilation of voice occurs when lenis consonant has no voicing.
dog kennel /dok kenl/
This also happens in Czech when we do not voice the final lenis. (Hlavní postavou je Hertog, který...)

In some cases, the assimilation is fixed, for example in progressive assimilation with the suffixes -s, -z in 3rd person singular or plural form of noun. The suffix is pronounced as /s/ if the preceding consonant is voiceless fortis (cats, jumps) or as /z/ if the preceding consonant is voiced lenis (dogs, runs).

Assimilation in Czech
In Czech, the realization of consonants is influenced by the surrounding. A phoneme can change radically without any change in the meaning of the word.
[ɱ] instead of /m/ in front of /f/ or /v/, for example in tramvaj
[ŋ] instead of /n/ in front of /k/ or /g/, for example in banka

Assimilation of voice (spodoba znělosti) is very common in Czech. There is no change in ortography of the word, the principle of this is etymological.  Voiced and voiceless consonants (obstruenty) form couples

p and b
t and d
k and g
f and v
and z
ts, in Czech c, and dz
, in Czech č, and
ʃ, in Czech š, and ʒ, in Czech ž

ɟ voiced and palatal, in Czech ď, and c unvoiced and palatal, in Czech ť
x unvoiced and velar, in Czech ch, and ɦ voiced and glothal, in Czech h
voiced or voiceless r̝̊ alveolar and fricative, in Czech ř

Merging of consonants appears when two similar consonants appear next to each other in two morphemes, mainly because of prefixes and suffixes. On the other hand, germination, double pronounciation, appears when distinction is needed. In standard Czech pronunciation, assimilation and blending two words together and omission of consonants is considered inappropriate.
cenný is pronounced as [t͡sɛniː] and not [t͡sɛnniː]
but  nejjasnější is pronounced as [nɛjjasɲɛjʃiː] because of nejasnější [nɛjasɲɛjʃiː]

Connected speech
Connected speech is a continuous sequence of sounds forming conversations in spoken language. The words that are modified by those rules will sound differently in connected speech than in citation form (canonical form or isolation form). Connected speech makes the articulation less demanding for the speaker, resulting in economy of articulatory effort so the study of connected speech analyses how words change when caught up in the great rush of everyday conversation.

Elision is the omission of one or more sounds (such as a vowel, a consonant or a whole syllable) producing a result that is easier for the speaker to pronounce. The elided form may become a standard alternative for the full form, if used often enough. The opposite of elision is epenthesis, whereby sounds are inserted into a word to ease pronunciation.
*      loss of weak vowel after p t k g                                potato /p_teitəu/      tonight /tnait/
*      avoidance of complex consonant clusters             fifth /fif0/ -> /fi0/
*      loss of final "v" in "of" before consonants             waste of money  /weist ə mani/

Since English words in connected speech are not pronounced separately but linked together, the problem that remains is hiatus = interruption between two vowels next to each other, and liaison /li'eizon/ means eliminating this hiatus. This is achieved by:
*      the pronunciation of a normally silent consonant at the end of a word immediately before another word is commencing with a vowel
*      the glottal stop
*      linking R
*      intrusive R

Linking is a relationship between one sound and the sounds that immediately precedes or follows it.
The most common linking is by the use of linking R. The phoneme r does not occur in syllable-final position in the Received Pronunciation but when a word's spelling suggests a final r and a word beginning with a vowel follows, the usual pronunciation for RP speakers is to pronounce with r. Americans pronounce R in every case.
car /ka:/  car is blue /ka:r iz blu:/
R can be used in a similar way to link words ending with a vowel even when there is no R in the spelling of the words. This is called R intrusion and it is considered to be nonstandard pronunciation used to make pronouncing easier.
comma /ˈkɒmə/   put a comma in /ˈpʊt ə ˈkɒmər ɪn/

Yod coalescence - English has long had a tendency to convert /tj/ into /tʃ/, /dj/ into /dʒ/. Jones pronounced "actual" as /ˈæktjuəl/, now obsolete as we say /ˈæktʃl/. Words perpetual and to graduate have formal extremely careful forms /pəˈpetjuəl, ˈgrædjueɪt/ but everyday forms are /pəˈpetʃuəl, ˈgrædʒueɪt/. Yod continued to widen its scope, extending now to stressed syllables. This makes Tuesday, conservatively /ˈtjuːz-/, begin /ˈtʃuːz-/. Tune and duke become /tʃuːn, dʒuːk/.

T glottalling - In various environments the consonant /t/ tends to be pronounced as a glottal plosive [ʔ] rather than as the traditional alveolar [t]. This is by now normal before a following consonant in words such as in football [ˈfʊʔbɔːl], quite good [ˌkwaɪʔ ˈgʊd]. Later in the twentieth century, environments for the glottal stop extended to word-final position even when the next word does not begin with a vowel, as in quite easy [ˌkwaɪʔ ˈiːzi], take it off [ˌteɪk ɪʔ ˈɒf].

Czech prosody
Stress in Czech is fixed on the first syllable of a voiced unit, which usually is a word. There are a few exceptions. Prepositions form a unit with other parts of speech and bear the stress of that part of speech. Also some words (mi, ti, se, jsem) do not bear any stress and cannot stand in the beginning of a sentence. Longer words have secondary stress. In Czech, there is no reduction of voiceless syllables. The function of stress is not lexical, it serves to distinguish the beginnings of words.
/ˈPraha/ but /ˈdo Prahy/
/ˈNapsal jsem ti ten ˈdopis/

Intonation does not have a lexical function in Czech, it is not a tonic language. Tone and melody have no influence on the meaning of words. The changes signalise units of speech, this modifies the meaning of this speech.
On to neudělal. falling intonation is kadence

On to neudělal? rising intonation  is antikadence

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